Improve your Hawaiian with this easy activity
Sep 01, 2023Aloha mai!
I know you’re busy with summer fun, so I’ll keep this short and sweet.
I want to tell you how easy it is to use the list of resources I’ve compiled for you to improve your Hawaiian. (Pay attention to patterns that you can repeat as you work on mastering the language.)
Here is the resource we’re going to use this week and next.
The first way to use it is very simple: read this out loud all the way through.
That’s it.
You might want to read it out loud a few times, or at least once a day.
If you want to get even more out of it, record yourself reading this out loud each time and notice how you’re improving and what you could work on.
Here is a recording of me reading the same passage out loud so you have an idea of how it sounds. If you want to get even more out of this exercise, you can read along with me in the recording.
I know it’s simple, but don’t underestimate the impact this will have on your improvement of the language.
Next week I’m going to share another way to use this same resource.
me ke aloha,
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